What We're Doing to Keep You Safe
Additional Safety Measures at Western Mazda
July 08 2020, Western Mazda

Update on COVID-19 – Wednesday, July 8th 2020
Western Mazda is committed to the safety of our employees, customers, and communities during this challenging time. We are doing everything that we can to modify operations to comply with the recommendations from government and health officials.
We want to let you know what we are doing to keep you safe:
We are open for regular service appointments with additional safety enhancements. However, we're also accomodating Contactless Service Appointments. If you have an appointment or your vehicle requires servicing, please contact us by calling (709) 639-8585 to review your options. To create a contactless experience, we offer complimentary vehicle pickup and delivery. If you're comfortable dropping your vehicle off, our key drop-off box is available. Please contact us to discuss what option works best for you. Also, with your safety in mind, we are pleased to offer contactless payment options.
Our shuttle service continues to be available. Thanks to our friends at Western Glass, we’ve installed custom plexiglass “Shuttle Shields” to keep passengers and drivers safe. We’re also sanitizing these vehicles after every trip with a WHO-compliant alcohol-based cleaner.
We've made several enhancements to our normal cleaning routine here at Western Mazda and hand sanitizer is available to all staff and employees. Our customer waiting area has been rearranged to ensure that physical distancing can be maintained while you wait for your vehicle. Plexiglass protection has been installed in all offices and public areas. Finally, to support contact tracing should be need arise, we're asking all customers to sign in and out when they visit Western Mazda.
We are closely monitoring the situation and making contingency plans in an effort to provide safe and essential services to our valued customers.
Thanks for your patience, understanding and cooperation during this situation. We're here for you.